2010年10月14日 星期四

Hive-base registry initialization

Original document:


I only list items I may needed

1. Mount boot hive (Boot.hv) from ROM
2. Loads and initializes Storage Manager (HKLM\System\StorageManager)
3. Boot phase zero
4. Initialize system locale
5. Boot phase one
6. Device.exe (if needed ??)
7. Wait for file system contains system hive ready (MountAsBoot?)
8. Mounts ROM portion of system registry (\Windows\Default.hv)
9. Check IOCTL_HAL_GET_HIVE_CLEAN_FLAG for clean system hive
10. Check HIVECLEANFLAGS_SYSTEM for clean system hive
11. Load system.hv from file system
12. Check system hive signature for clean system hive
13. Swap out boot registry hive
14. Check IOCTL_HAL_GET_HIVE_CLEAN_FLAG for delete user.hv
15. Check HIVECLEANFLAGS_USERS for delete user.hv
16. Mounts ROM portion of user hive (\Windows\User.hv)
17. Load user.hv from file system
18. Check user hive signature for clean user hive

Boot phase

Phase 0: system locale not ready
Phase 1: system locale ready, but total registry no loaded
Phase 2: system locale ready and total registry has been loaded

