2010年11月2日 星期二

MSMQ Auto Installation

There are several ways to install (enable) MSMQ automatically.

The major issues are:

  1. The way to install MSMQ in different OS version are different.
  2. The supported components of MSMQ are different in different OS.

In below detail procedure for install MSMQ, you will see I enable different MSMQ components for different OS version. Those components are tested for me to use. If you need more components, you need to add them in command line, or un-attend file to enable them.

Windows 7

A simple command can install MSMQ for you.

start /wait ocsetup.exe MSMQ-Container;MSMQ-Server;MSMQ-Http

Cause ocsetup.exe is not a blocking application, we need to use “start /wait” for make sure the operation is finished.

REF: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd744383(WS.10).aspx

Windows Vista

Before using ocsetup.exe, we need to create a un-attend XML file as below.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <package action="configure">
      <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package" version="6.0.6000.16386" language="neutral" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" versionScope="nonSxS"/>
        <selection name="MSMQ-Container" state="true"/>
        <selection name="MSMQ-Server" state="true"/>
        <selection name="MSMQ-Triggers" state="false"/>
        <selection name="MSMQ-DCOMProxy" state="false"/>
        <selection name="MSMQ-Multicast" state="false"/>
        <selection name="MSMQ-ADIntegration" state="false"/>
        <selection name="MSMQ-HTTP" state="true"/>

I named the XML file above as “Unattended_MSMQ.xml”, and then we can use ocsetup.exe to install MSMQ.

start /wait ocsetup.exe MSMQ-Server /unattendFile:Unattended_MSMQ.xml /quiet /norestart /log:OCSetup_MSMQ.log

REF: http://blogs.msdn.com/motleyqueue/archive/2007/10/20/unattended-msmq-installation-on-windows-vista.aspx

Windows XP & Windows 2003

Like the procedure in Vista, we need to create a un-attend file first, but it is a ANS file but not XML file.

Signature = "$Windows NT$" 

FreshMode = Custom 
MaintenanceMode = RemoveAll 
UpgradeMode = UpgradeOnly 

msmq_Core = ON 
msmq_LocalStorage = ON 
;msmq_ADIntegrated = ON 
msmq_TriggersService = ON 
;msmq_HTTPSupport = ON 
;msmq_RoutingSupport = OFF 
;msmq_MQDSService = OFF 

;ControllerServer = MyDomainController 
;SupportingServer = MyDomainControllerOrRoutingServer 
;SupportLocalAccountsOrNT4 = FALSE 
;Site = DefaultFirstSiteName

I named this file as “Unattended_MSMQ.ans”. And there is no ocsetup.exe in windows XP and 2003, we use “sysocmgr.exe” instead.

sysocmgr.exe /i:sysoc.ing /u:Unattended_MSMQ.ans

REF: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc778216(WS.10).aspx

